Amiga Format CD 40
Amiga Format CD40 (1999-05-11)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-06].iso
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-Blast!- Version 1.0
Public release.
CopyWrite© 1995 Colin Hannah.
This product is FREEWARE. Which means you are free
to copy and use this program with no obligation or
charge. You should NOT be paying money for this, or
any other FREEWARE software. That said, I retain
copywrite and no claim may be made to the program
or its source code except by myself. Feel free to
edit, compile and learn from my source as long as you
do not pass on altered versions of it or make claim
to it as your own work. When distributing this program
you MUST ensure it is kept together, ie. the read me
file, source etc. must also be with the compiled
Feel free to pass on any bug reports, suggestions
etc. or may be even just for a chat?! You can contact
me at:
Mail: Colin Hannah
48 James St.
G84 8XG
Email: cxh@dcs.ed.ac.uk
[The University of Edinburgh]
- email is prefered -
1. Introduction:
Blast! originated from my experimenting with Amiga
OS and a desier to something actually MOVE inside a
window on workbench- A sight very rarley seen ( but
I'm not sure why?) So, to the best of my knowledge,
the first action game for Workbench was produced!
2. System Requirements:
This I'm not too sure about. It'll probably work
on a stock A500 with Kick 1.3 but I consider anything
less than an A1200 obsolete these days. The faster
the processor, the faster the game will run. A
joystick in port 2 is also required.
3. Running:
Simply double click the icon and a window should
open displaying some text and with in a few seconds
start producing random explosions in the centre of
this window. Press Fire on the joystick, the window
will clear and your craft will appear at the bottom.
Keep your finger on the fire button and control the
ship with the stick. Destroy loads spaceships, die
a few times, then do it all again.
4. Options:
'Blast!' can be customised in a number of ways.
The window in which it runs is fully resizable and
the game will instantly adapt it's self to a
resize by increasing/ decreasing the amount of bad
guys to throw at you and spread them evenly across
the window - a large window size can slow the game
down. The close button can be used to quit the
game at any point.
If the window is selected Blast's menus can be
Project>Quit: Quits game.
Project>About Opens sub-menu containing the
relevent useless information.
Options>Ship Speed: Used to set the speed of the
players ship {Fast, Norm of Slow}
Options>Aliens: Amount of Aliens on screen.
Options>Alien Speed: Guess!
Options>LowCpu: When checked/ ticked Blast will
give time back to the processor/ lock the game
to a maximum frame rate. If the game seems too
slow (say after increasing the amount of
aliens or a window resize.) Try selecting this.
5. Speed:
I think a few notes on the speed of the game are
important. Since the processor is being used to do
just about everything here things do tend to slow
down when there's a lot happening. If you're
suffering from this Selecting Options>LowCpu should
help. Also making the window smaller and reducing
the amount of Aliens will help considerably.
Have Fun, and Take Care!